
Move Your Career Forward with Us

At Tech Group, we’re building innovation and helping to increase factory productivity for our customer around the world. It’s a big job, with huge upside. Are you up for it?

See Open Positions
Hero illustration

Our Mission

Meeting our customer expectations is the main mission in our everyday operations.

We are driven by the desire to give people the freedom to do the things they really want to do: things that create new value. We do this by creating smart automation solutions for factories and helping companies bring new smart machines to market.

Having the benefits of a medium-sized company we are able to perform quick and meet and exceed the demands of our customers.

We offer full service solutions

From planning and analysing to manufacturing and support.

Our tailor-made solutions fit exactly your needs

Each clients’ problem is unique and needs a different take.

We are versatile and adaptable

Every factory can be automated and all machines can be built.

We perform quick to exceed our clients’ expectations

There’s no time to waste – let’s just make it happen.

We love challenges

The harder the problem, the more eager we are to build it.

Our team is motivated and passionate to solve problems

Every one of us loves to see innovation happen.

Open Positions

Your perfect positions was not listed? 

Write to us at , why you would be a great addition to our team. Do not forget to add your CV.


We are always glad to invest time moulding young talent. To apply, send us a message at describing your background, skillset and why you would like to intern at Tech Group.

Boriss, Assembly team lead

Boriss, Assembly team lead

“I am loving the mindset here: everyone is always giving their best and nothing less.”

I started out as a mechatronics assembler building various cool machines and production lines. As the company has grown I’ve given the opportunity to lead a whole assembly team and I’m really enjoying the responsibility.

We have a team of highly professional and passionate people, who always give their best. No matter, how big or small the project is. We grow together as a team, exchanging knowledge, helping each other out, getting things done. This lays the ground for great results and happy people.
